How and where to find reliable sources of Labour Market Information
Student learning associated with this concept can support achievement of provincial learning outcomes:
NB 2, 3
NL 5, 7, 8
NS 1, 6, 8, 9
PEI 2, 3
As students begin their exploration of careers, it is important they access LMI sources that are reliable in supporting their needs and addressing their questions. Students also need to be able to recognize and interpret reliable labour market information to help them make informed career, education and employment decisions. Through self-assessments, students will gain greater insight into what they have to offer; by using reliable sources of LMI they can match their interests, skills, aptitudes and preferences to labour opportunities. As they begin this process, they will need to understand the types of information they may be introduced to and what that information means in relation to their goals and decisions. Breaking down LMI can also provide students with a reality check. Through their investigation they will learn about specific details related to careers such as required training and education, job opportunities and salary levels associated with those careers.
Teachers can access resources to support delivery of this lesson in the Resources/Teaching Strategy Folder.