Employability Skills - Skills Needed in Life and Work Lesson Plan


Employability skills are needed to enter, stay in a progress in the world of work; these skills can be developed and nurtured from a young age in many different settings.

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As part of their career research, students gathered information about a specific career to learn in general what the career is about and what is needed to enter that career, such as skills, education and training.

Through this lesson, students in middle/ junior high school will learn about basic employability skills. These are the skills employers are expecting of a new employee in order for that employee to stay in and progress in that job. As part of their learning, students will be introduced to employability skills that will be expected when they start their first part time job and needed when exploring options for their future. Students will also make connections to how these skills can be developed and benefit them in school and their personal lives.

Teachers from different curricula can engage students in this learning activity. The skills students will be learning about are important to their success in life, school and work.

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